
Workshop instructor:

  • BPS5112 Green Building Design and Evaluation Studio, 2019-2021, NUS
  • PF4213 Building Energy Analysis and Simulation, 2019-2021, NUS

Teaching assistant:

  • BPS5229 Data Science for the Built Environment, 2019-2021, NUS
  • BPS5112 Green Building Design and Evaluation Studio, 2019-2021, NUS
  • 12780 - Advanced Python and Web Prototyping for Infrastructure Systems, CMU, 2017
  • 12748 - Mechanical and Electrical System Design for Buildings, CMU, 2017


PhD students:

  • Siyu Cheng, NUS, 2023
  • Jie Zhu, Tianjin University, 2023
  • Zhaoru Liu, Tsinghua University, 2019, 2023

Final year undergraduate students:

  • Leong Yuan Ting Rena, NUS, 2023
  • Sng Chong Wei Warren, NUS, 2022


  • Energy and Building
  • Building Simulation
  • Chemical and Process Engineering
  • Journal of Energy and Power Technology
  • Building Simulation 2023
  • BuildSys 2023
  • Indoor Air 2024

Conference organizing

  • Building Simulation 2023: Session Chair
  • BuildSys 2023: Program Committee
  • BALANCE 2023: Co-Chair of Program Committee
  • Indoor Air 2024: Scientific Committee